Thursday, August 18, 2005

Free piano lessons online index

Free piano lessons online index: " Index of Free Piano Lessons Online

Index of The Free 101-Week (Used to be 39-week) Course in
'Secrets of Piano Chords & Chord Progressions'
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Week 0 - Welcome to 101 weeks of free piano lessons online!
Week 1 - 'What Chords Do I Absolutely, Positively Need To Know?'
Week 2 - 'Flying Over Chordland - The 48 Basic Chords - Times 3'
Week 3 - 'All The Major Chords'
Week 4 - 'All The Minor Chords'
Week 5 - 'Inversions: Chords On Their Heads'

Week 6 - 'All the Diminished Triads'
Week 7 - 'All the Augmented Triads'
Week 8 - 'All the Major 6th Chords'
Week 9 - 'All the Minor 6th Chords'
Week 10 - 'All the 7th Chords'
Week 11 - 'All the Maj7th Chords'
Week 12 - 'All the 9th Chords'
Week 13 - 'All the 11th Chords'
Week 14 - 'All the 13th Chords'
Week 15 - 'The Three Diminished 7th Chords'
Week 16 - 'Suspensions'
Week 17 - 'Alterations'
Week 18 - 'Slash Chords'
Week 19 - 'Oops! I forgot Minor 7th Chords!'
Week 20 - 'Chord Progressions Part I - The Circle of Keys'
Week 21 - 'Chord Progressions Part 2 - The Circle of Minor Keys'
Week 22 - 'How To Find The Key of a Song When There Are Flats In The Key Signature'
Week 23 - 'How To Find The Key of a Song When There Are Sharps In The Key Signature'
`Week 24 - The 'Oh Duh!' Chord Progression
Week 25 - 'What You Need To Know About Musical Form
Week 26 - The 'Creep' Chord Progression
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Piano Chords & Chord Progressions!
