Saturday, July 30, 2005

Atlerations -- altered chords

Atlerations -- altered chords: "
Issue No. 17 �
'Secrets of Exciting Chords & Chord Progressions!'

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' Secrets of Exciting Piano Chords & Piano Chord Progressions!'

- Week 17 -

So far we've covered chords from major to minor to diminished to augmented to 6ths to 7ths to maj7ths to 9ths to 11ths to 13ths -- and last time we covered suspensions. I trust that you have been MASTERING each chord type as we've gone along. We're almost through -- almost to the point where we can apply what we've learned about chords to chord progressions -- and that's where the fun begins.
But it won't be much fun if you can't remember the chords you've learned, so keep going over and over and over them.
Just a couple more things you need to know about chords, and one of those things is that:
Any chord can be altered through the use of a
plus sign +
or a minus sign -
+ means sharp -- raise the note 1/2 step
- means flat -- lower the note 1/2 step

For example, here is a C7 chord with a flat 5th. It is notated 'C7-5':

And here is a C7 chord with a sharp 5th, notated as C7+5:

And here is a C9th chord in second inversion with a flat 9th, notated C-9: (Bu"
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